Saturday, June 01, 2024

Which is worse? COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccination?

| August 22, 2021 1:00 AM

I'm writing this letter to balance comment in response to Scott Dunn's letter titled, "Vaccination is an exponentially safer way to achieve immunity."

All of the COVID-19 numbers I provide are straight from the CDC's website.

Since February 2020, 616,459 Americans have died due to COVID-19. There are 332,620,224 people in America. That means that over the last year and a half, Americans have had a 99.8% chance of surviving COVID-19.

Now we have the COVID-19 vaccine. There have been 5,226 reported deaths from getting the COVID-19 vaccine. There have been 3,931 deaths over the last 30 years for all other types of vaccines combined. To help put that into perspective, over the last 30 years there have been 856 deaths due to the various flu vaccines.

Now tell me is it worth taking the most deadly vaccine ever released to the American population to protect yourself from a virus that statistically kills almost no one?



Editor's note: According to the Centers for Disease Control, reports of widespread deaths among people who received the COVID vaccine have been reviewed by CDC and FDA physicians. So far they have not been able to establish any link to the COVID shots.