Saturday, June 01, 2024

Anti-vaxxers are keeping us from herd immunity

| August 31, 2021 1:00 AM

It’s time that the anti-vaxxers be separated from the rest of us. They are unnecessarily contributing to prolonging the goal of herd immunity.

What is needed is a requirement that we all need to show proof of having received the COVID-19 vaccine upon entering all public places. The anti-vaxxers can still buy groceries by ordering in advance and going to the store and picking them up in the parking lot or having them delivered. The anti-vaxxers say it’s their right not to get the COVID-19 vaccine or wear masks but it’s not their right to spread the disease.

Upward of 95 percent of those admitted to the hospital infected with COVID-19 have not had the vaccine. That is inexcusable. That’s where they cross the proverbial “red line.” They are occupying beds that otherwise could, and should, be available to heart attack victims, those fighting cancer, and those needing hospitalization following surgeries. If they don’t care about their own health they should care about the health of their loved ones, their neighbors and health care providers including doctors and nurses.

I read an article recently that some doctors and nurses are leaving the profession because of the emotional trauma they are experiencing at the loss of COVID-19 patients. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that the vast majority of the anti-vaxxers are Trump supporters. If I’m right, then it is more of a political statement. Trump said that the COVID-19 was a hoax, then he got it and survived only because he received top level care.

We’re past trying to convince the anti-vaxxers to get the vaccine. It’s time we keep them separated from the rest of us. Those of us who have had the vaccine can’t care more about their health than the anti-vaxxers. Since the anti-vaxxers won’t listen to science, the rest of us should prevent them from associating with those of us who know better and have listened to the scientists. If there is only one available bed remaining in a hospital and doctors have to make a choice between admitting the COVID-19 patient who has not yet received the vaccine and another non-COVID-19 patient, my vote is to send the COVID-19 patient home. They, like smokers, had a choice. The rest of society shouldn’t have to pay for their refusal to adhere to good science. As the saying goes, you can’t fix stupid.

