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Judgment withheld in 2019 aggravated assault

Staff Writer | August 31, 2021 1:00 AM

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SANDPOINT — A Spokane man received a withheld judgment Monday in connection to an aggravated assault charge.

First District Judge Barbara Buchanan sentenced Steven James Baergen to 30 days in jail followed by two years of supervised probation.

Charges against Baergen, 40, stem from a November 2019 incident in which he discharged a firearm in the midst of an argument toward the three victims as they were fleeing in a vehicle.

In a statement to sheriff's deputies, one victim said she called a friend, Patrick Dexter Jr., to pick up her and a young child, around 10:30 p.m.

Patrick arrived at the scene to find the victim and the child hiding in the bushes beside the road. Allegedly, Baergen quickly pulled up behind Dexter in his vehicle, loaded a black pistol, and pointed it at him – nearly touching his face. She alleged Baergen also pointed the pistol at her and the child during the altercation.

As the three victims were fleeing in Dexter’s car, Dexter told deputies that he saw the muzzle of Baergen’s pistol flash in their direction. There were spent 10mm bullet casings found at the scene, according to the police affidavit. When later questioned by sheriff’s deputies, Bergen admitted the altercation took place, but claimed Dexter was the aggressor. A Spokane resident, Baergen admitted he owns firearms but refused to specify what type they are. He also refused to return to Bonner County until a warrant was issued.

A no contact order was issued by the court in July 2020 instructing Baergen to stay away from the victims — which he violated seven months later in December. Kootenai County Sheriff's deputies were called to the scene near the Washington-Idaho border in Kootenai county by bystanders on July 16 after they saw Baergen beating the female victim in the road. When deputies arrived, they discovered bystanders physically separating Baergen from the victim. He was arrested at the scene.

He signed a plea agreement in December, pleading guilty to violating a protection order, and for careless driving. Baergen was given a $500 fine, and a 205 day sentence – 203 of them suspended.

“You only served 4 days in jail before you bonded out, I don’t think that is enough jail,” said Buchanan. “Lots of people have drinking problems and don’t show up in the court system very often.”

Baergen is sentenced to 30 days in jail. In addition to jail time, Baergen will participate in random alcohol screenings, outpatient therapy, counseling, and pay a $500 fine.

“I’ve definitely learned from everything and how one little incident can affect me for my whole life,” said Baergen during sentencing. “But not only my life, but the life of my kids and my family and the way everybody looks at me and sees me. I’ve really learned and used that to change the way I am.”

Baergen was immediately taken into custody with the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office after sentencing.