Saturday, June 01, 2024

What consequences might ensue for unmasked passing on COVID?

| August 31, 2021 1:00 AM

In a Daily Bee’s article (Aug. 25, 2021) about COVID-19 guidelines in schools, Melinda Rossman, principal of the Homeschool Academy, claims we are “fed nothing but lies in the media” and that safety is a “personal and individual responsibility” that no one else should control.

Scott Dunn, MD, lists several realities that Rossman ignores about why the current danger of COVID is frighteningly real. I suggest Rossman spend time at a few hospitals around the country and then come back to explain what’s happening there in real time. Her rose-colored glasses might become a bit clearer and she might justify her position as principal of home schooled children. I wonder what criminal and civil consequences might accrue to an unvaccinated, non-masker who could be identified as the one who caused a COVID death? Maybe Rossman, and others like her, should contemplate that.

