Saturday, June 01, 2024

Donations add to 'Tots' total

Staff Writer | December 1, 2021 1:00 AM

I have to admit, David Letterman's quirky sense of humor, from poking holes in the absurdities of life to silly human and pet tricks, appeals to me.

While there was the occasional snark, and he enjoyed deflating the absurd, behind the scenes and with little fanfare or effort to call attention to his actions, the late night icon quietly works to make the world a better place.

Since it was founded in 1993, the Letterman Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming — funded primarily by David Letterman, has given away millions to various foundations and organizations.

So with a nod to David Letterman’s famous Top 10 lists here are 10 ways that our community can help Toys for Tots.

  1. Dig through your purse, change drawer, or couch seat and put the change in a Toys for Tots change jar.
  2. Round up your grocery shopping to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to Toys for Tots.
  3. Instead of buying a candy bar or bag of chips from the office candy machine, give that money for Toys for Tots.
  4. Hold an office basket exchange and raffle them off; then donate the money to Toys for Tots.
  5. Skip buying a coffee for a day and donate the money to Tots for Tots.
  6. When you’re out Christmas and holiday shopping, buy an extra gift for Toys for Tots (or take the equivalent and donate it to the Lions).
  7. Donate $5 (or an amount of your choosing) and challenge your friends on Facebook to match your donation.
  8. For that matter, challenge your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others to donate to Toys for Tots.
  9. Email your friends and share your plans to donate; encourage them to do the same.
  10. Count your blessings on your way into work, the store, or wherever. For every item on your list, donate $1.

Today's generous donations total $1,985 and come from: Robert and Carolyn Inge, $35; Barbara and Robert Earley, $50; Larry Smith, in memory of Kip O. and Joyce B. Smith, $250; Nancy and Jo Sater, $100; the Moslander Family Trust, in the names of their grandsons Jude and Tate Thompson, $50; Paula Demers, $100; Fred and Sally Park, $500; Dennis and Jeannie Yeager, $100; Finan McDonald Clothing Co, $500; Steve Wolfe and Beth Goodnight, $200; and Amy Mitton, $100.

To date, the annual Christmas drive has raised $4,048.

The goal for this year’s Toys for Tots campaign is $50,000 — the same as it has been in past years. The Lions make the most of the money by bargain shopping, and with the assistance of generous local businesses.

Sign-up applications are available at the Bonner Community Food Bank and on the door of the Lions Den at 609 S. Ella Avenue right by the caboose in Lakeview Park. They can also be downloaded at

Registration started Nov. 1 and ends on Dec. 17. Those filling out the application are reminded to be sure to fill out both pages and return your application promptly.

As last year, the application form includes information for parents to detail a wish list for each of their children as well as their favorite color and TV show or movie. This allows the Lions to fulfill as many wishes as they can.

Donations for Toys for Tots can be dropped off at the front desk at the Bonner County Daily Bee, 310 Church St., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can also drop off donations at Columbia Bank’s Sandpoint branch, 414 Church St., or at the Ponderay branch, 300 Bonner Mall Way; and at the Ponderay and Sandpoint Starbucks.

Donations may be mailed to the Sandpoint Lions Club, Box 414, Sandpoint, ID 83864.

Donations made by check are preferred. Be sure to include a note with your check indicating that it is a Toys for Tots donation. If you wish to make an anonymous donation, please include a note.

If the donation is being made in someone’s name, be sure to also include a note.

Information: Sandpoint Lions Club, 208-263-4118