Saturday, June 01, 2024

Adventures in 'digi-think' … or just in time for Christmas?

| December 2, 2021 1:00 AM

Our not-so-old digital bathroom scale failed to function the other day, so we bought new batteries, but alas they didn't help. Scale dead. Then Jim noticed that the battery type was one digit off — maybe that was it. Back to town to make a return and try again, this time lugging the scale along with.

I've been on a kick recently to observe how much time it takes to live a digital life in the smart world; a smart world after all may not be so smart. Often, maybe most of the time, perhaps even ever, it takes more time, is more expensive, and pollutes our environment to buy things online, not to mention (or really to mention) that it is forcing local businesses to carry fewer items, or at worst to suffer and die. Not to mention fracturing our community.

I decided to go online and look for a good old fashion mechanical bathroom scale, which might last longer, be less trouble and would also give me fond memories of childhood bathrooms at home, at my grandparents' houses, at my friends' houses, at school.

I tried twice to buy online: the first cost only $12, but when I put it in my cart the shipping was $49 — an accurate reflection of how much it costs to ship heavy items now (not including climate change costs.) The second place, eBay, had the antique scales, but I couldn't find the place to click to accept their user agreement when I tried to sign in. (Internet interface woes — but that's another story with which you are all familiar I dare say.)

Back to the digital drawing board. The next search I made, now that I had the secret password figured out ("mechanical bathroom scale"), showed me that there were some at Walmart right here in my hometown. I could pick one up today, or next time I went to town. They weren't in someone else's cart. No shipping! Bonus No. 3: They are also available at Sandpoint Super Drug, a local store for a few dollars more! Clint Eastwood would be proud of me.

On the scale of bathroom scales, no downside I could see. Next time I will use the internet to find out if the things I need, or desire, are available to me here. More powerful than Superman:

Faster than a speeding bullet.

More powerful than a search engine.

Able to leap into businesses in our downtown.

Able to save on shipping  and help avoid climate change.

And we haven't even taken packaging into consideration.

