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Priest River woman charged with aggravated battery

Staff Writer | December 2, 2021 1:00 AM

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SANDPOINT — A Priest River woman has been ordered to stand trial in on a count of aggravated battery.

The charges against Barbara Ann Olewnick stem from an altercation on Oct. 11.

According to the victim’s testimony, the altercation which took place in the victim’s residence moved from room to room, eventually culminating in the garage where Olewnick grabbed the back of the victim’s shirt and pulled tightly. The force on the shirt caused the victim to lose the ability to breathe for a short time.

The victim said that Olewnick instigated the attack, resulting in multiple bruises and scratches on his body.

Bonner County Deputy Prosecutor Daniel Rodriguez called the victim as a witness, as well as the sheriff’s deputy on the scene, Kevin Schulte.

The victim testified that bruises around his neck were caused by Olewnick grabbing his shirt. According to the victim, the shirt eventually ripped, causing him to fall to the cement floor in the garage. Olewnick also hit the victim multiple times with an open fist in his head and neck area.

Olewnick avoided law enforcement by leaving the residence before they arrived. The victim attempted to prevent Olewnick from driving away by attempting to remove the car keys from her purse. After being unsuccessful, the victim popped the hood of the vehicle in an attempt to pull an engine fuse which would prevent it from starting.

The move also was unsuccessful andOlewnick drove away from the residence with the hood up.

Around two hours later, Olewnick returned, and the victim called law enforcement again. This time, Schulte arrived at the residence to find the lights on and TV running within the residence. Upon identifying himself as a sheriff’s deputy, all of the lights were extinguished.

Schulte entered the residence and eventually found Olewnick in the bedroom closet, barricading herself against the door from the inside. Schulte forced his way into the closet and detained Olewnick in handcuffs.

During Wednesday’s preliminary hearing, Schulte said that he noticed Olewnick’s speech was slurred, and that her eyes were glassy and bloodshot. Tests showed that Olewnick had a blood alcohol content of 0.125 on a blood alcohol test, the legal limit is 0.08%.

Schulte said that Olewnick told him she had drank a glass of wine upon arriving at the residence.

“The defendant’s silence cannot be used against her, but sometimes conduct can,” said First District Magistrate Judge Justin Julian after hearing from both sides. “Hiding in the closet is not silence, it’s conduct.”

“While minimalist, I do think it checks the boxes to meet our burden of proof in preliminary hearing.”

Olewnick is bound over to First District Court and will appear for arraignment on December 20.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 38.2% of Idaho men experience some form of violence at the hands of their intimate partner. There are resources available for those seeking help. Voices Against Violence has a 24/7 hotline serving Idaho, they can be reached by calling 208-733-0100 or at their website at Another resource is the Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance. The ICDVVA can assist with filing a protection order and connecting those seeking help with additional resources in the state. They can be found by going to their website at or calling 208-332-1540. The victim in this case called 911, which is encouraged in a timely emergency. The Bonner County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch line can also be reached 24/7 at 208-265-5525.