Saturday, June 01, 2024

Johnson shines light on questionable vaccine trials

| December 5, 2021 1:00 AM

Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, is one of only a couple of legislators in Washington, D.C., even questioning the safety of COVID vaccines. On Tuesday, Nov 2, he conducted hearings, bringing in medical and epidemiology experts, plus participants from the “vaccine” trials in 2020. Listening to the medical reports and hearing the testimony of these now-handicapped participants was heart rending. Their stories not only describe the horrible reactions they had to the shot, and crippling consequences, but describe the abandonment. All of them were immediately dropped from the study when they suffered side effects. Most troubling is that their data was removed from the findings. The NIH, CDC and pharmaceutical companies stopped communication with them. They received no medical or financial assistance. They were in essence abandoned after willingly coming forward to help with the testing.

I highly recommend that anyone interested in what is happening with these vaccines and the mandates visit and watch the hearings. If you don’t have two and a half hours, jump forward to the 2 hour mark and listen to the victims’ testimony.



Editor’s note: The VAERS system allows the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Food and Drug Administration to monitor for vaccine adverse events and conduct follow-up investigations. It is not an official source of vaccine-related information and may contain reports that are incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.