Saturday, June 01, 2024

History replete with tragic alternative realities

| December 21, 2021 1:00 AM

Alternative realities have a long tragic history. Our American History is replete with deadly examples.  

In 1861, white wealthy slave-owners were able to create an alternative reality that led poor white uneducated Southerners to violently attack our country. This attack lasted four horrible years and resulted in 600,000 American deaths and 3,000,000 American wounded. To this day there are still delusional Americans who refer to the American Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression.

In 1867, wealthy greedy Americans were able to create an alternative reality that led to the massacre and near genocide of Native Americans.

In 1910, white-robed cross-burning uneducated Americans created an alternative reality that led to thousands of lynchings and murders.

In 1961, wealthy selfish Americans created an alternative reality that blamed communists for the birth control pill and women's liberation and civil rights.

In the 21st century, uneducated conspiracy-prone Americans are again in the grips of an alternative reality that looks for scapegoats, promotes divisiveness and denies our history.

From 1861-1865 was the American Civil War — NOT the War of Northern Aggression.

