Saturday, June 01, 2024

Climate change is nothing but junk science

| December 23, 2021 1:00 AM

A thing must be proven before it can be called a fact. Until then it is nothing more than an unsubstantiated theory, opinion, or idea.

Jack DeBaun (Daily Bee, December 2) continues to contradict himself by speaking of scientific “facts,” yet pushing the nonsense belief that science doesn’t prove anything. Refusing to provide any evidence regarding his 97% consensus claim, DeBaun insists on calling it a fact. This kind of doublethink is what characterizes climate change fanaticism.

DeBaun needs to quit playing word games and be honest. His version of science is worthless and he has repeatedly admitted that it doesn’t prove anything. Therefore, he has no right to state that scientific “facts” support his consensus claim or climate change beliefs since facts cannot exist without proof of their validity. For something to be called a “fact,” there must be proof that it is indeed a fact.

Furthermore, real science does prove things, but “provisional” science, in which “facts” are constantly evolving, is just nonsense. A constantly evolving “fact” is never a fact at all. With that kind of thinking tomorrow’s headlines could read, “Satellite photos were provisional, Earth really is flat.”

It is obvious that DeBaun is attempting to force his opinions on people as if those opinions are irrefutable truths. It is abundantly clear that DeBaun’s house of junk science is built, not upon the solid rock of Truth, but upon the ever-shifting sands of liberalism.

