Saturday, June 01, 2024

Majority can't run roughshod over minority views

| February 9, 2021 1:00 AM

After the presidential inauguration, headlines proclaimed “democracy has prevailed.” In fact, we could be witnessing the end our republic. We now have a government completely controlled by a political party determined to overturn our nation’s most basic founding principles. Biden and Harris seem to be “useful idiots” or puppets for the leftist extremists who are really in control.

The Democrats' alliance with big tech and mainstream media has produced an environment where dissenting political views are silenced and those who hold opposing opinions are blacklisted. There is no meaningful debate.

Day after day, we are bombarded with leftist propaganda and disinformation. The media and big tech censor news that is unfavorable to their views. Democrats in Congress have called for a national police that would investigate those who disagree with them. Anyone with differing political views is called an “enemy of the state.”  

Democrats are pushing the blatant lie that our nation is full of “white supremacists.” Americans know this is not true. It is just another leftist tactic to demonize their political opponents and further divide us.

What is happening is very similar to 1930s Germany when the Democratic Socialist Party created a totalitarian police state. It did not end well in Germany and it will not end well in the United States either.

Democracy does not mean that the majority can run roughshod over the minority, ignore their views and treat them like second class citizens, yet this is exactly what appears to be happening.

