Saturday, June 01, 2024

Republican voters are watching Crapo's actions

| February 9, 2021 1:00 AM

It is very disturbing to learn that our Sen. Mike Crapo, a registered Republican, is going to vote for the impeachment of former President Donald Trump. Clearly, he has not read the Constitution, which he took an oath to uphold.

"Impeachment" is to remove a sitting president and not an ordinary citizen, which is what Donald Trump became as of noon on January 20, 2021. Trump is already "removed." Senator Crapo's decision in joining the continuing "witch hunt" by the Democrats, which have hounded this man for over four years, is not looked on with any favor by earnest Republican voters.

Trump has committed no impeachable crime to warrant this treatment and to pursue him at this late date is asinine and dangerous as it sets illegal usage for the future. One would hope that Senator Crapo is not a RINO, and would prove it by voting to acquit Donald Trump. Republican voters are watching …

