Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sandpoint Nordic Club hosts annual Schweitzer Hill Climb

by VICKI LONGHINI/Contributing Writer
| February 16, 2021 1:00 AM

Every first Wednesday in February, the Sandpoint Nordic kids' recreation, development and race ski teams — 63 strong this season — embark in a competition on the Schweitzer Nordic trails.

If any of you have ever skied those trails, you know that you will definitely climb a hill, likely several. This season has been a challenging one for the kids to train for this event with copious amounts of rain in the valley making the ski trails at Pine Street Woods barely skiable.

The team has done some training lately at the roundabout off Schweitzer Mountain Road that Schweitzer grooms each week. The recreation team coaches do all the planning for the event and do their best to get their teams ready and lined up to ski.

Come rain, shine, snow, wind, whatever ... skiers of all abilities and experience participate in the Hill Climb and finish with a tremendous feeling of accomplishment.

It helps too that the Hill Climb is always followed by treats provided by dedicated moms and hot chocolate provided by Schweitzer.


A group of kids compete in the Schweitzer Hill Climb on Feb. 3.


A group of kids near the finish of the Schweitzer Hill Climb on Feb. 3.


A group of kids compete in the Schweitzer Hill Climb on Feb. 3.