Saturday, June 01, 2024

Another election? There isn't a need or reason

| January 3, 2021 1:00 AM

This letter is in response to one by Len Golding published here. He asks a few pertinent questions.

  1. Why can't we have another election? Len, we just had one. Obvious to all observers is that your guy lost, so now you want a do-over. It doesn't work that way. Read the Constitution for the rules on this.
  2. No mail-ballots? In Texas, the 50 counties with the most non-white voters closed 542 polling places in a further effort by Republicans to suppress voter turnout. This is why mail-votes are essential. The GA primary saw people standing in line for 5 hours because of polling place closures.
  3. The comment about non-citizens voting, dead people voting, and ballots counted twice is 100% without merit or factual basis.Turn off Fox and Rush Limbaugh and you won't be subjected to such nonsense as this.
  4. Sure Len, stop all media ads. Great idea. But when Trump turns a "press conference" at a landscaping company into an attack ad or one at the White House into a campaign  for re-election, that's OK. Isn't it?
  5. A "legal" election?  Nowhere, in any context, from any legitimate source, is there evidence of illegality in this election. Because DJT said, "If I lose, it was fraudulent" is the ONLY reason you believe this.
  6. One question for you Len, and many others: Would your letter EVER have been written it Trump had won? No, of course not. It's only illegal if a Democrat wins, isn't that right? We never heard ANY of this when Obama or Clinton won.


Bonners Ferry