Saturday, June 01, 2024

IPAC: Avalanche danger eases

| January 16, 2021 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Avalanche danger in the Selkirk and Cabinet mountains has lessened, according to the Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center.

The center issued a backcountry avalanche forecast of Friday which indicated that the slide danger is rated "low" at and below the tree line, and "moderate" above the tree line.

The avalanche danger was rated "high" last week below, at and above the tree line in the Selkirks, Cabinets and Bitteroots due to new snow, warming temperatures, rain and high winds.

Since then, the snowpack has stabilized.

"With more stable conditions, the hazard will more be navigating on an ice crust layer on the surface of the pack," IPAC forecaster Eric Morgan said in Friday's update.