Saturday, June 01, 2024

Healthy doesn’t have to be confusing

| January 20, 2021 1:00 AM

Like most people, are you still thinking about a lifestyle change?

You want to lose a few pounds — and yet again, like many around the world, made a healthier lifestyle your New Year's resolution.

You initially have every intention on eating healthy and exercising every day, trying desperately to get your physique under control, maybe cut back on a few prescriptions due to your weight issue or simply because you want to keep up with your kids. Or maybe you are just sick and tired of being “sick and tired.”

So now you are tempted, looking for a shortcut and find yourself sifting through the maze of fancy bottles filled with colored pills promising exactly what you want? Or eyeing the endless gadgets offered online or in infomercials that promise a six-pack abs and a tighter derriere and the body or a professional athlete.

Wouldn’t that be great if all the marketing hype were true? It’s not. Most of it is total B.S.

But, here’s the deal. Losing weight and tightening up your backside is easier than you may think and is nowhere near as complicated as the diet industry (yup, it's an industry and that should tell you something) makes it out to be.

The first step you need to take begins by changing your mind and getting focused.

You cannot continue to eat garbage if you do not want to look like garbage.

Good nutrition is mandatory in changing your physique and providing your body the optimum nutrients to perform efficiently. You don’t have to weigh and measure every bite you take, but it does require some effort on your part.

Start today and get moving. Write down your goals, get a workout buddy, hire a personal trainer or get involved in a fitness class.

There are numerous activities that you can even do in the comfort of your own home that will help you get a little closer to your health and fitness goals.

Take advantage of any stairs you might have in your house and climb them, over and over. Do several sets of lunges up and down your hallway. Jumping jacks in your living room are a great way to burn calories.

Work on your balance and stand on one leg while you are stirring dinner on the stove. As you are bending over to pick up laundry, why not do a squat or two. If you are a TV watcher, why not do several sit-ups during a commercial break. Get your kids involved and challenge them to do more sit-ups than you can do.

Some simple things to keep in mind as you begin your journey:

  1. Read the labels on what you are buying. If you do not know what an ingredient is, you probably shouldn’t consume it.

  2. Stop eating processed food.

  3. Sugary-filled products in brightly colored packages have a nutritional value.

  4. Eat your vegetables.

  5. Drink plenty of water.

  6. Move your body daily.

Now is the time for you to stop making excuses and start making progress. Do not wait to lose weight and get into the best shape of your life. You deserve it.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness trainer and can be reached at