Saturday, June 01, 2024

We need to come together as a nation

| January 21, 2021 1:00 AM

As a drafted Vietnam veteran who chose to serve his country, I can only say that this nation needs to come together. While I readily admit I was glad to see Trump voted out of office, I also believe Biden needs to follow in the footsteps of Ford who pardoned Nixon. There is no valid reason to keep Trump's name in the limelight by dragging him through some sort of impeachment process.

Let us all not only close the chapter of the Trump four years in office. Let us all end this "book" and start a new book which from this day forward will be dedicated to the future of this, the greatest experiment in democracy the world has ever known.

By the way, I always tell anyone who will listen, we won that darn war in Vietnam. Russia and China did not move in and create  military bases. And, the beautiful people of Vietnam, the most forgiving people I have ever known, actually forgive us for the military actions we committed and even welcome us to their country.  


Clark Fork