Saturday, June 01, 2024

BGH expanding vaccine clinic hours

Staff Writer | January 28, 2021 1:00 AM

Bonner General Health is receiving 200 COVID-19 vaccinations per week, according to a press release sent Wednesday. Hospital officials said they are expanding vaccination clinic hours to Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment only.

There are currently over 4.400 people on the vaccination registration list for BGH, according to the release. Vaccinations are being administered for 1a and 1b categories. These include health care personnel, long-term care staff and residents, home care providers for individuals 65 or older or adults and children with a high-risk medical conditions, emergency medical technicians, dental providers and staff, pharmacists and pharmacy staff, first responders, education pre-K and K-12 staff, childcare staff and correctional and detention facility staff.

Currently, BGH is not accepting any new registrations for individuals 65 and older until more of the roughly 3,000 individuals registered in that group have received the vaccination, according to the release.

That limitation is not due to any problems with staffing, according to the release, but national supply allocation for the vaccine. In Idaho, less than 21,000 vaccinations per week are available, according to the release, with 2,800 for Panhandle Health’s five northern counties.

Those who filed a registration form on the PHD website will be contacted, according to the release, with priority for individuals in the 1a and 1b category. BGH staff are requesting the public be patient as they work through the call list.

In addition, individuals who signed up through the website are asked to answer their phone, and clear their voicemail so they can receive messages. It may take two to four weeks for some individuals to receive calls to schedule an appointment, according to the release.

Those who are currently registering are asked to completely fill out all fields on the registration form.

As of Jan. 26, BGH had vaccinated 1,300 people. 172 of those individuals have received their second dose.

More updates and information is available at