Saturday, June 01, 2024

Event explores birding the Clark Fork River

| June 6, 2021 1:00 AM

Area residents are invited to enjoy a day of birding on the Clark Fork River on Saturday, June 12.

A small, safe-spaced group will meet at the Noxon Mercantile, 710 Noxon Ave., Noxon, Montana, at 9 a.m. Mountain Standard Time.

The day will feature a medium-paced road tour and short walks, with several stops and scope locations to view and identify avian life such as birds of prey, waterfowl, shorebirds, woodpeckers, sapsuckers, and songbirds. The group will continue along the river, visiting optimal viewpoints, taking short walks, and discussing birdlife encountered during the trip. The last stop will be the Clark Fork Delta near Clark Fork, where the tour will wrap up at about 3 p.m. MST.

All participants must register to attend. All levels of birders are welcome. Participants are asked to come prepared for a day of birding with full gas tanks, lunch, water, cameras, binoculars, spotting scopes, and field guide books if you have them. Also, wear proper layers and footwear, and a have good sense of humor.

The class is sponsored by Libby Hostel Base Camp and the program’s instructor has education in both forestry and wildlife management as well as over four decades of field experience.

To register, contact the instructor at 406-291-2154, or email

Space is limited so early registration is encouraged.