Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bandits rob bank in Priest River

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| June 9, 2021 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1921

Bandits rob bank

Ned Russell was in the bank, Georgia Hagman was at the teller’s window, and Mercedes Tremblay, accountant, was behind the railing at work when two unmasked men held up the Citizens State Bank of Priest River.

The bandits covered the three in the bank with a revolver and ordered them into the vault, but not locking the door on them. The robbers overlooked currency, gold and bonds in the vault in their hurry, taking the money in the drawer at the cashier’s station and a small amount of Liberty Bonds. They made their escape in a Chevrolet car.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Recently predicted

It has been recently predicted that daylight saving laws will soon be repealed because of the confusion they cause, and that television will be in general use within two years.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Gay party held

The Red Rooster Café was the scene of a gay party of ladies for eight tables of bridge, at the invitation of Mrs. P. C. Conley June 3. The tea room was attractively decorated in orange and white streamers of crepe payer and matching garden flowers.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Stores to close

The Chamber of Commerce announces that the majority of stores have signed a petition to close Saturday afternoon, beginning at 1 p.m., for the Loggers Celebration.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Admitted to West Point

Jimmy Palin, of Coolin, having passed the competitive examination for entrance to the U. S. Military Academy of West Point, N. Y., has been notified to report with the new class entering in July, He is the son of the former June Paul, daughter of Leonard Paul.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Supplies missing

A recent check of equipment at city hall revealed that someone had taken 40-50 chairs from the hall, all of the teaspoons, the coffee pots, including the 84-cup percolator, and numerous cooking utensils and dishes.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Batt visits city

Phil Batt slipped into Priest River unannounced Friday morning for some casual “man of the street” interviews with residents. And the topic most often discussed was the unemployment situation in the northern part of the state, said Arlyn Duncan, Republican precinct committeeman. Batt is the only Republican who has officially announced his candidacy in the 1982 gubernatorial race.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Post office celebrates 100th year

The Priest River post office celebrated its 100th birthday, marking the day with a special cancelation ceremony and party at city hall. Nearly 100 people showed up with letters and envelopes to be stamped with a special pictorial postmark designed by Carol Lucas.

20 Years Ago — 2001

City might go with BCSO

The city of Priest River has begun what Mayor Tom Hartliep describes as an “initial discussion” of the possibility of contracting out its law enforcement to the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office.