Saturday, June 01, 2024

Homeschool academy celebrates end of school year

Staff Writer | June 17, 2021 1:00 AM

The Homeschool Academy celebrated its fifth year Friday with its fourth annual party at City Beach.

Melinda Rossman, principal at the THA said the school currently has 78 families and 99 students. Coming into the fall, she'll have some openings for new families after a year of restricted class sizes.

The school also recently gained a drama teacher, she said, and will have additional programming in the fall.

"I'm excited we're so well-received by the district and the community," Rossman said. "It's their community and their school. I'm just the facilitator."

Rossman will be host a New Family Orientation for THA from 10 a.m. to noon Thursday, July 21, which will be the only summer opening for new students to enroll. Those interested can contact Rossman at, for more information.


Lacey Raine Barlow helps Xzendriya Odellelliott on a slackline at the annual Homeschool Academy party at City Beach Friday.


Students play as families gather under the Gazebo at City Beach for the annual Homeschool Academy party on Friday.


Lacey Raine Barlow helps Kiera Wilcox on a slackline at the annual Homeschool Academy party at City Beach Friday.


Students at the Homeschool Academy help themselves to snacks at the annual party at City Beach on Friday.


Children play at Friday's City Beach party for the Homeschool Academy.