Saturday, June 01, 2024

Don't use newfound beliefs to make false claims

| June 27, 2021 1:00 AM

I have been reading the Daily Bee's letters to the editor for more than a decade. It is interesting reading what concerns and the opinions of our community.

Recently, I read the most ignorant letter to the editor, ever. It was authored by Lee Santa. I never thought anyone would stoop the this level of stupidity. Lee, did you study U.S. history in school? Don’t you remember how the Second Amendment is written. There is nothing in the Second Amendment about arming citizens against Black slaves. There is nothing in our Constitution empowering white Americans the right to bear arms against Blacks   That is not only ridiculous but inflammatory ignorance. We can’t change our history. It doesn’t matter what race you are, we're all Americans.

I didn’t agree with the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Washington, D.C., protest. However, I do agree they had a right to protest and the subject of that protest being rights to keep and bear arms. The storming of Congress got out of hand. There are currently several of these protesters facing criminal charges. What I don’t understand or agree with at all, is why is it OK to riot, burn, loot, forcibly take over sections of a city, injure or maim policeman, burn American flags, vandalize the community, forcing law abiding citizens out of their homes, or businesses. What is the current leadership of Portland and Seattle thinking? Why is it OK to act like this? Why aren’t any of these terrorists being prosecuted? Why isn’t law enforcement allowed to stop this type of behavior?

On Jan. 5, law enforcement in the United States were our heroes, the people we relay for help. They always come willingly when we are in danger. Now there is a push to de-fund the police. We have to stop listening to people whose wishes are inflammatory, who want to hurt at whatever the cost.  listening to people like Carol Anderson (reference from the article) and Lee Santa who want to change our history to conform with their personal misguided beliefs. We need to get back to basics, we need to be Americans again. You can’t make inappropriate and false statements just to coincide with your newfound political beliefs.

