Saturday, June 01, 2024

High usage causing cloudy water

| June 29, 2021 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Due to record high water usage, residents may be seeing cloudy water due to higher velocity in the city of Sandpoint's water system.

City Administrator Jennifer Stapleton posted to the city's Facebook page that several residents were reporting cloudy water early to mid evening on Monday.

"We are aware of the situation and the water is safe," Stapleton said in the post.

The cloudy appearing water is due to higher velocity in the system due to record high water usage. "As a result, naturally occurring mineral deposits that have built up in our closed system of pipes have broken loose in some areas," she said.

The city planned to flush its system overnight Monday after usage goes down and will continue to test the water to ensure it is safe.

In the meantime, city officials said if residents fill a container of water and let it rest on the counter, the minerals will sink to the bottom.