Saturday, June 01, 2024

Let's return to the Constitution and drop party loyalty

| June 29, 2021 1:00 AM

Regarding Jim Ramsey's letter "What has happened to my Republican party," I found myself laughing out loud.

He recalls voting for Ike and how he's now a Democrat because the GOP is so radical and right wing.

I recall being a Democrat back when JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!" THAT Democrat party was opposed to socialism and loved America and capitalism. THAT Democrat party was killed along with JFK and turned hard left with LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama into a party that hates America, promotes racism, riots and anarchy.

The GOP is messed up all right. But not because it's too "conservative."

Instead, it's messed up by those who seek to gain fortune and power by growing the size and scope of the federal government far beyond its constitutional authority.

"We'll take away your rights and drive your children into servitude slower than the Democrats!" is a horrible party philosophy.

The party that elected Reagan twice was taken over by the former CIA chief George H.W. Bush and has been turning away from the principles it once embraced, into a globalist patsy, but then the Democrats have gone further and faster into the abyss.

Let's return to the Constitution and drop party loyalty. Both major parties have abandoned us to serve global corporations, unions and PACs … none of which, by the way, can vote … yet they can buy elections.

