Saturday, June 01, 2024

Local youngster saves boaters after mishap

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| June 30, 2021 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2021

Awarded to the library

The manager of U.S. Bank’s Priest River Branch awarded a $6,500 check to the Friends of the Library to help the West Bonner County Library District with operating expenses from the time the Priest River Library goes off the city budget Oct. 1 until tax revenues for the library district start coming in in January. The district also received a state Library Service & Technology grant to fund 70 percent of the interim operating costs.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Dumpsters abused

Misuse of the Dickensheet Dumpster has brought about its removal by the county at the request of the Idaho Department of Lands, from which the site was leased. Abuses are also occurring at another dumpster north if Priest River, this one located on land leased from the U.S. Forest Service. The county has hired a roving deputy to police dumpster sites.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Logger Days ended

With the cancellation of the Loggers’ Celebration this year, a 30-year tradition came to an end. Not surprisingly, many Priest River residents are very opinionated about it. Many still favor it.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Law creates public health districts

On July 1, a new day in public health began when a legislative act goes into effect that created seven mandatory public health districts that will provide public health services in all of Idaho’s 44 counties.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Boat sinks under family

The John McFall family of Opportunity, Wash., who have a summer cabin on Priest Lake, and three Spokane people, had a harrowing experience Sunday when the bottom fell out of their boat while they were cruising on the lake and all were plunged into deep, icy water. Occupants of the boat were John McFall, his wife and their son, and a couple from Spokane and their son.

Somewhere in the vicinity of Four Mile Island, occupants noticed water coming through the floor of the boat and everyone quickly donned life jackets, as the bottom quickly fell out of the boat. It sank in a matter of minutes. Nellie McFall, 12, was cruising just ahead. She turned around and rescued the group, who were keeping afloat in the water.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Log drives get publicity

Log drives on the Priest and Clearwater rivers are the subject of an 18-picture layout in the current issue of National Geographic magazine. Thirteen of the pictures are the work of Ross Hall.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Work coming along

Work is progressing on the school gymnasium. Since the last article, there are now 7 1/2 feet of new cement fire walls on the west side, pipes for heating units, conduit for the electric wires and fresh paint.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Buying your own horse

Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Doolittle went to Nordman to see a horse which had been advertised for sale and found it was one of Elmer’s which had strayed to the Roy Gregory place.

100 Years Ago — 1921

D.C. Barnes ranch sold

P.F. VanDever sold the D.C. Barnes ranch completely stocked to Roy Kinyon. Mr. And Mrs. Kinyon moved to their new home at Nordman. Besides ranching, they are going to keep a hunting lodge and have named it Pleasant Inn.