Saturday, June 01, 2024

Democratic caucus claim GOP attempting 'power grab'

by CONNOR SWERSEY Contributing Writer
| March 2, 2021 1:00 AM

The Idaho Joint Democratic Caucus held a news conference last Wednesday expressing concern with what members described as a Republican “power grab” that has filled the legislative session thus far.

House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel and Senate Minority Caucus Chair Janie Ward-Engelking spoke to their concerns about this session and the “unconstitutional efforts to siphon power from the governor, the attorney general, local governments, and from Idaho voters themselves,” a press release read.

“This session so far has largely been one big power play,” Rubel said. “Time is running out, and it is past time for the Legislature to put people over power plays and address the real needs of the people of Idaho.”

Hitting the halfway mark, and only having passed eight bills into law, this legislative session is moving at slower paces the previous years, the pair said.

The Joint Democratic Caucus has many bills on education, lowering of property taxes, and to provide funding for students falling behind during COVID-19 ready to present, but have been unsuccessful in getting hearings.

Idaho spends the lowest in the United States on education funding, which the Joint Democratic Caucus is making a priority.

“With record surplus in funding, we have a chance to invest in our students,” Ward-Engelking said. “We can’t afford to waste any more time in this building.”

Finally, Rubel made a call to action surrounding the “power grab” for the voters, workers, and citizens of Idaho.

“The people of Idaho need to activate, and speak up for their rights,” Rubel said.

Connor Swersey is an intern with the University of Idaho McClure Center for Public Policy Research and the UI JAMM News Service.