Saturday, June 01, 2024

Why is proof of election fraud being ignored?

| March 2, 2021 1:00 AM

With a nationwide audience recently, a prominent American businessman released documented and verifiable election interference that occurred in the November 2020 elections. I have several questions after viewing the information:

  1. With so much evidence and blatant proof, why have law enforcement agencies and judges refused to acknowledge an election fraud effort?  

  2. Why haven't you as my representative not taken more action on this matter? There can and should be a bipartisan effort to look into the many reports of questionable activities in the 2020 election.

  3. Why hasn't the Supreme Court or Department of Justice looked into this matter?  

  4. There seems to be proof of foreign interference. This is an act of war. Why is this matter not being taken more seriously?  

  5. How will this effect our future elections knowing of fraudulent intervention?

