Saturday, June 01, 2024

It's time that America's voters wake up

| March 14, 2021 1:00 AM

It's time voters wake up. Elections are but "Lets continue doing what we've been doing —electing the same members of this two-party system — then we can continue to point fingers and place blame."

I'm not a kid. I've seen election for presidents since FDR. Since Clinton, this finger-pointing and blame-placing increases with each election. "If" a business, organization, club, etc. is failing — members are wise enough to dismiss their leaders and bring in new members with newer ideas and directions. Voters can and should do just that by ousting these two-party sponsored "puppets."

Loyalists do not have to abandon party, just impose term limit — doing so with your vote — and retire them. Yes, that would shake up the system. Yes, it would like businesses, etc., that did. This finger-pointing, blame-placing and degrading will not unite us and without being united, we will never be great again


Idaho Falls