Saturday, June 01, 2024

At some point, we're going to have to resort to hugs

| March 14, 2021 1:00 AM

Haven't you also gone out for a cup of coffee with a "casual" friend, and if you are anywhere near my age you will know what that adjective means? As we talked, I mentioned that people need to smile, even laugh out loud more, at anything that they find funny. I mentioned that I had found many things on U-Tube that made me laugh, and he was almost incredulous.

I began to rattle off shorts such as "Betty White surprises Morgan Freeman at the 39th AFI Awards," Steve Martin or Martin Short at the AFI, Paul Hogan's awesome speech at the oscars, nearly all the Dean Martin comedy roasts, particularly involving Bob Newhart and Don Rickles.

Sure, a lot of these shows were in the '70s and '80s, but that was a time when Rickles could make jokes about any religion or color or attack with humor anyone in the front row and it was laughed at. There was no problem about being "politically correct." America seemed to have a sense of humor.

My "friend" didn't seem interested in my escapist idea. But, he did have a new rumor to spread. We both wear masks in public, and he suggested I buy into his idea: "Haven't you noticed that all the people who don't wear masks seem to have a frown on their face? Those of us who wear masks are always smiling. I usually give fellow mask-wearers a wink or a thumbs up. It is like we all have our secret club."

Oh great, I thought. Now there is a false rumor which will only aid to causingĀ a division between all of our fellow citizens. Will this divisiveness never end? How can we stop these rumors which seem to be created to divide us? Screw the six feet distance rules I thought. Those of us who love this nation are, at some point, just going to have to walk around hugging each other.

And this is how we will get our America back.


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