Saturday, June 01, 2024

More updates, less philosophy needed from Dixon

| March 18, 2021 1:00 AM

I've always appreciated the Daily Bee providing half of its editorial page on Sundays during the legislative session from January to March each year for "Notes from Boise."

I'm interested in what our District 1 legislators have to say about bills under consideration, their current status, where they stand on them.and why, whether more input from the public is desired, how the votes are going or have gone, and more.

These 600-to-700-word editorials are valuable communication tools for our three legislators on a weekly rotating basis.

Unfortunately, what's been issued by Rep. Sage Dixon during this session has been none of the above. His two editorials so far contain zero information about the legislative session. They are bloviating exercises on irrelevant, self-evident topics like why it's important to "seek information from many, varied sources" before forming opinions, and how "there's beauty in public service."

Rambling musings, sprinkled with quotes from philosophers, satirists, and a Hillsdale College graduate may have their place in a high school classroom, but it's not what we expect to hear during the legislative session. They certainly give us no idea what he is actually doing in Boise. Has he sponsored or co-sponsored any bills? How has he voted on bills and why? What is his stance on the emergency status disagreements between Governor Brad Little and legislators? Or the ongoing threat to our liberties?

These are just some of the issues we'd like to hear about from him, and half of the editorial page certainly provides plenty of space.

