Saturday, June 01, 2024

Getting down to obedience

by JUSTIN GARDNER Contributing Writer
| March 26, 2021 1:00 AM

“Not my will, but yours be done.” This single statement best describes the radical obedience by which we believers are called to live.

Before Jesus sacrificed himself, he told a story of two sons, one said he would go work and didn’t; and the other who said he would not, but later did. Who was obedient? The one who hesitated but went anyways by his Father's will.

We get so wrapped up in the details at times and it binds us down and gives us excuses. We say, “Well, I delayed my obedience I may as well just not do it because delayed obedience is as bad as disobedience …” but not according to this parable?

Not according to Jesus when He three times asked that the cup pass from him. Instead Jesus walked in radical obedience when He spoke those words “your will be done."

That is what we are called to do in our everyday life as well. Few times in my life have I been asked by God to do something that was in my comfort zone, and I had to make the choice, which son would I be? Each day we try to be the one that eventually obeys despite our reservations.

I can guarantee you that this obedience leads to life, prosperity, peace, and an incredible journey that can only be had through a radical obedience to an even more radical God. Choose life, choose obedience, and you will see the fullness of what the Almighty can do through you.

Justin Gardner pastors at River of Life Fellowship, 702 Church St., Sandpoint. The church can be reached at 208-255-7111.