Saturday, June 01, 2024

Preparing for the hand wringing

| March 30, 2021 1:00 AM

As summer in the southern hemisphere is nearing an end, we in the northern hemisphere can expect the traditional onslaught of claims that the ice in Antarctica is decreasing at an alarming rate and coastal cities are endangered by an existential threat.

A Feb. 2 article in CFACT, citing an article in “Nature” by scientists at Columbia University and the University of Victoria, British Columbia, who stated “The Antarctic continent has not warmed in the last seven decades …” and “Antarctic sea ice area has modestly expanded.” Of note is the phrase “The Antarctic continent.” Not a remote segment. The same applies to the “sea ice area”. The same CFACT article stated that recent research has determined that since 2000 the overall sea level rise has been less than a half-inch.

Please recall that in Chapter 14 of Roy Spencer’s “Global Warming Skepticism For Busy People” he stated that the natural sea level rise since the 1880s, when measurements began,has been .5 inches per decade. And if humans have, or have not, contributed to an extra 0.3 inches (per decade) that totals to 0.9 inches every 30 years.

CFACT’s Climate Depot also explains that the U.S., Great Britain and the EU represent less than 10% of the world’s population, yet their CO2 emissions are declining while emissions from China and India, which are exempted from the Paris Climate Accord, are rapidly increasing.

The real “climate deniers” might be facts deniers.

