Saturday, June 01, 2024

Flint, Asche offer leadership, positivity for our library

| May 2, 2021 1:00 AM

Our East Bonner County Library is a rare gem among towns of similar populations. It provides so many valuable services for us, not just books, but electronic options, movies, magazines and music, educational lectures and presentations, computer services and the bookmobile. The library staff and board have always been dedicated to public service and the pursuit of excellence in providing materials for all of us.

The upcoming library board election on May 18 is important in maintaining the level of dedication and forethought in library policy going forward. I urge you to vote for the current board chair, Amy Flint, and incumbent board member Jeanine Asche.

Amy Flint is a retired professor of English and an Idaho resident for 30 years. She is highly skilled in grant writing and technology, and is committed to the vitality of our library.

Jeanine Asche is a professional in library science, with decades of experience and numerous awards for her skills. She is fiscally responsible in budget matters, and she knows the needs of our community.

The knowledge of these two candidates is unmatched, and their commitment to our library’s relevance in a growing community is firm.

Vote in person May 18 at your usual polling place, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., or call the Elections Clerk at 208-265-1437 or visit for an absentee ballot.

Vote for experience and foresight on the library board, Amy Flint and Jeanine Asche. We need competence and positivity for our treasured library.

