Saturday, June 01, 2024

The truth behind emergency relief funds

| May 5, 2021 1:00 AM

A common misconception that I’ve heard is that the West Bonner County School district is receiving emergency relief dollars, so why do we need a levy? As a representative of a taxing district, it is my responsibility to ensure factual and accurate information is presented. For clarification the "emergency relief funds" are intended for "emergency relief efforts."

On June 24, 2020, our school district received preliminary allocations on ESSER I Funds (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds) in the amount of $377,273. While our district was grateful for these dollars that helped supply much-needed personal protective equipment, these funds also came with a 5% reduction in our normal state funds. ESSER I has some flexibility in use, allowing for 15 allowable uses, consistent with the federal government's goal of "preventing, preparing for, and responding to coronavirus."

ESSER II (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds Second Distribution) is said to be allocated soon. They are estimating our ESSER II allocation to be $1,367,303. This money has not been officially allocated to our district and would not become a part of the budget until it does. The state is discussing having an additional requirement for these funds, such as a minimum of 20% be used to address learning loss, along with other portions being earmarked for specific expenses.

These are wonderful funds and we certainly see the need for additional resources to address learning loss, after the pandemic. These funds also have 15 specific allowable uses and come with a reduction in our state funding again, thus reducing our net gain in funds. However, these funds in total are not intended to cover annual operating expenses. One-time revenues address one-time concerns, related to the coronavirus and getting our students back on track to be successful in school.

I would urge anyone who has questions or concerns to reach out to me at 208-448-4439, ext. 3. We have an abundance of information on our website at Please make an educated vote!


Priest River