Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vote against proposed solid waste fee increase

| May 6, 2021 1:00 AM

The legal definition of a tax: any contribution imposed by government upon individuals, for the use and service of the county. A flat-tax: an even rate or fee on every one of the county’s assessed dwellings.

A “user fee” or “service fee” is a quantifiable expense avoidable by choice. The only available waiver to the county’s solid waste tax/fee is the filing of a circuit breaker tax reduction form, or, a designated “special event” activity. Bonner County Ordinance #7-312(D)(2&3) state, “No group or entity, other than a special event, shall be given a waiver of solid waste fees [tax].”

In 2019, the commissioners voted to raise the flat-tax revenue 61%, from $115 to $185 per assessed dwelling. Try avoiding the solid waste flat-tax revenue collection by omitting it from your semi-annual tax payment. IRS Form 1098 reports the flat-tax “revenue” as a qualifying itemized tax deduction.

Commissioners admit multi-millions are built into “overage” of the 2019 solid waste flat-tax revenue increase? Commissioners won’t answer if they intend to apply federal COVID-19 relief funds, which would create more “overage.” Vote against.

Identifying the solid waste revenue as a “user fee” instead of a “flat-tax” isn’t deducible from the above facts. Thus, the county avoided a 2019, $8.7 million infrastructure levy vote, which is identified as a solid waste revenue process, pursuant to I.C. 31-4404. After they decided to dubiously take your money, they now need approval to get the funds up-front, through interest debt of $786,000. Vote against.

