Saturday, June 01, 2024

Spring brings plenty to celebrate

by VANESSA VELEZ Contributing Writer
| May 7, 2021 1:00 AM

The first of May, also known as May Day or Beltane, marks the peak of the spring season, as it falls midway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.

But even if you didn’t dance around a Maypole or jump over a bonfire this year, there is still plenty to celebrate as the light returns and the fecundity of the season is on vibrant display all around us.

Speaking of beautification, the Library garden is getting spiffed up as well! The garden will soon be getting more tables and seating, as well as some beautiful new landscaping elements, including statues and a water fountain. The greenhouse is filled with seedlings, the beds are filled with dirt, and soon the entire space will be filled with lovely spots to sit and read, or chat and lunch. Children’s gardening programs start in June, and the garden will also play host to adult programs on seed saving and composting. The next time you are visiting the Library, swing by the garden to check out the progress.

Of course, the Library has a ton of books and resources on gardening, seed saving, composting, garden design and much more. If you are feeling ambitious, familiarize yourself with the Seed Library next to the elevator (and consider donating seeds!), but if you only have time for a quick browse, we currently have a display of gardening books and DVDs at the base of the stairs in front of the Infodesk. If you’re not quite ready to plant, but are searching for ideas and guidance, delve into the stacks and head for the 635s, where you will find shelves and shelves of tips and tricks on almost any gardening technique you can imagine. For DIY landscaping design tips, how-to guides, and inspiration, check out the 712s.

If you prefer digital materials or can’t make it to one of our physical locations, there are plenty of gardening resources in our Digital Library as well. We have e-books on a variety of gardening topics in Hoopla and OverDrive, and we have numerous digital magazines in OverDrive and PressReader; including Bloom, Country Living, Gardens Illustrated, Amateur Gardening, Better Homes and Gardens, and House & Garden, to list just a few of the dozens of options. Let the Library help you jumpstart your gardening journey, and celebrate the season in glorious Spring style!