Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vote for a civilized society, vote for democracy

| May 9, 2021 1:00 AM

The very fine and helpful staff at our local library has been harassed, intimidated and vilified by those who don't like to wear COVID-masks for the public good. This bullying should not be tolerated in any civilized society.

There is also a concerted effort to take over the East Bonner County Library Board, by candidates who are sorely unqualified for those positions. They want to impose their view of morality on us. They also want to tell you what you cannot read by removing books they don't like from our library. It is my understanding that the library has a policy of open and free inquiry into all points of view.

We must vote against the possibility of anti-intellectual, authoritarian, self-righteous and theocratic bully-ism.

Instead, vote for experience, intelligence, knowledge and especially, for democracy. Vote for Jeanine Asche and Amy Flint for the East Bonner County Library Board.

As for the Pend Oreille Hospital Board, vote for the incumbents, Dr. Lawrence and Helen Parsons who both have extensive experience in those positions.

