Saturday, June 01, 2024

We must stand up for our rights, for freedom

| May 13, 2021 1:00 AM

I enjoyed reading Sage Dixon's recent Notes From Boise editorial. It is true, we all are in challenging times. Not just here in the USA, but world-wide.

The rest of the world is looking at us, America. They are worried we have become lazy and complacent. They are praying we do not succumb to the attacks on our liberty, attacks on our Constitutional Rights, attacks on our God-given abilities to seek out our personal choices and create a life we love. This is the last place on the planet where this is possible.

If the apparently main stream media believing brainwashed citizens continue to believe and support or ignore, that the current illegitimate representatives in Washington D.C. have our interests as Americans forefront, well I am sorry to say, this is not what is taking place.

I am a concerned taxpayer. I have paid my share for over 47 years. Our tax money, is supposed to  support our country, and is being used more aggressively than any point in history, to support career politicians personal concerns and not representing or supporting the citizens of the USA.

I am a proud American.

I cannot stand quietly and see what is in progress, without raising my words. I for one, want every child in American to have the same freedoms that I have enjoyed. I want every child to endure challenges as I have and come out the other side, stronger, wiser, smarter, and grateful for the opportunities that freedom allows/provides.

I am praying for America and Americans to listen and watch actively.

