Saturday, June 01, 2024

We must elect people who live in the 21st century

| May 25, 2021 1:00 AM

The Idaho House enhanced its reputation as the "Worst Legislature in History." They accomplished this feat by not passing the teacher’s pay increase. What’s the reason that it didn’t pass? It was because the Aluminum Foil Hat Contingent of the House wanted to prevent critical race theory from being taught in Idaho’s schools.

Briefly, critical race theory is the thinking that race affects society, culture and laws and how they all evolve. Unless you’ve been in a coma for the last few years you should be aware that race does effect just about everything in our daily lives. Politics, society and laws have become decidedly race-centric.

Ignoring these facts is the political equivalent of closing one’s eyes, sticking ones fingers in their ears and screaming "la-la-la-la-la." Our stalwart band of North Idaho representatives – Heather Scott, Priscilla Giddings and Sage Dixon – have once again revealed that rational thought has no place in Idaho politics.

Anyone that believes we can ignore today’s reality and still effectively lead our country is truly delusional and does not deserve to be in positions of power in any governmental entity. We must elect people that live in the 21st century. Our current "representatives" sure don’t represent us.

