Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letter's claims simply don't fit North Idaho

| November 7, 2021 1:00 AM

In Daniel Strayer's Oct 16 letter published by the Daily Bee, Daniel re-imagines for us - his audience - the historical context of fascism, and tries to pin it on Donald Trump.

While he believes he impresses all, Strayer only illuminates the fact that he's really ridiculous, and truly a modern-day know-nothing. Frankly, most of the points he desperately lists to tie the former president to the term "fascist" do not stick to our DJT.

And further, Daniel Strayer conveniently omits the most important feature and structurally destructive attribute of fascism, which is the integration of an authoritative national government with utilitarian and ubiquitous corporate entities to help the state, and its bureaucrats, control and transform society.

So the fascistic dominance Daniel writes about is more indicative of the current illegitimate regime. And just for the record, I've called the Democrats illegitimate long before the 2020 election, so please don't assume here that I'm referring to "The Big Lie."

In closing, it is my opinion that Daniel Strayer does not portray the values and enlightenment of our friends in North Idaho. So you might consider the next time you go to the polls to not vote for any politician who would prop up a guy like Strayer - vote firmly against that politician!


Trestle Creek