Saturday, June 01, 2024

Contractors race winter on Albeni Falls work

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| November 24, 2021 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1921

Sawmill news

Charles W. Beardmore received an order for 100 cars of white pine to be shipped to points in the North Atlantic and New England States at the rate of two cars per day.

Only married men with families living in Priest River are to be employed at the mill this winter. Single employees who have been working at the mill will be given an opportunity to work at the various camps.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Blue Lake Notes

Elmer and Walter Doolittle took a load of cattle to Sandpoint Monday. They had a choice of taking two cents per pound or hauling them home. They decided to sell, as there will be a shortage of hay if the snow stays on the ground until April on the Blue Lake Ranch. The next day they got their tax notice and saw that cattle which were assessed at $30 and $12, respectively, were sold at about $20 and $8 per head.

80 Years Ago — 1941

E.C. Chapman, a former resident of Priest River but lately of Eastport, has been here for the past week making arrangements for starting a small portable sawmill 14 miles out on the West Branch.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Racing winter

Contractors are trying to place as much concrete as possible at Albeni Falls Dam before winter weather brings a seasonal change in their work. The main present work is on the spillway section piers. If they are successful, the dam will begin impounding water next year,

60 Years Ago — 1961

At the October Meeting of the school board, the trustees voted to have the main and east driveways to Priest River High School covered with a two-inch coat of gravel and a two-inch layer of asphalt.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Marred spook house

About 400 men, women and children turned out to see the many spooks the JayceeEttes and Jaycees had rounded up for their haunted house. The evening was marred, however, by junior high boys who threw eggs and snowballs at those inside.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Merritt start-up due

The first log was scheduled to start through Merritt Brothers new sawmill Tuesday about noon. The new mill has been under construction since last spring, and is designed to replace one that burned in March.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Motel project fails

A panned Priest River motel project will not take shape, after a costly feasibility study predicted the project would not pay.

20 Years Ago — 2001

Church celebrates 100 years

Members and visitors converged on the Priest River Community Congregational church on Nov.18 to celebrate the church’s 100th anniversary. Pastor John Denney welcomed the assemblance following the service. Moderator was Larry Gerow.