Saturday, June 01, 2024

SWS students offer thanks for blessings

Staff Writer | November 25, 2021 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — From friends and family to favorite things, the list of things for which Sandpoint Waldorf School students are thankful is a long and varied one.

In a time when social distancing and smaller celebrations are the still order of the day and shopping seems as much a part of the landscape as gathering to give thanks, that isn't the case for the students at Sandpoint Waldorf.

And while Thanksgiving celebrations may still be smaller, loved ones are never far from our thoughts and there is still much for which to be thankful.

There is still food for a holiday feast, laughter and family stories are still being told and football games and holiday classics are still being played on the TV screens as families gather close — or via Zoom or FaceTime. And, while the specifics may vary from family to family, from home to home, the spirit of Thanksgiving — the gratitude and thankfulness for all our blessings and all they entail — carries from one area to the next, from one family to another, filling the country.

For students at Sandpoint Waldorf School, the list of what they are grateful for is as varied as the students themselves. Some find the spirit of the holiday in their families and friends, others through the love of the family pet. Favorite foods? Again, they make a frequent appearance on the students’ list of things for which they are grateful. For some, the list reflects their love of a particular sport or team, some a favorite memory, and for others, it is their friends and classmates that top the list.

The simple counting of blessings is a reminder of all that is right with the world despite the current craziness.

So, below, the students of Sandpoint Waldorf School share what the many things for which they are thankful. We are happy to share them, once again, with you.

Huckleberry Kindergarten

Sasha — "Thankful for each and every one of the Huckleberries.”

Ryan — "The wonderful snow.”

Lincoln — "The world and the snow.”

Jane — "All of the Huckleberries and great friends.”

James — "Blue whales, for people who wear underwear on their heads.”

Alden — "The sharks, the people for being mighty.”

Landon — "For all of the humans on Earth and for the Earth being mighty and strong, for my dear Huckleberry class and for Mr. Ryan and Miss Autumn.”

Savannah — "Thanksgiving, yummy food, tukey, cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy.”

Malia — "The food for Valentine’s Day.”

Ruby — "My mom.”

Orion — "The animals and the sun.”

Juneberry Kindergarten:

Eva — "I am thankful for lollipops and ice cream.”

Ethan — "All of the crystals and science.”

Ruby — "Princesses and unicorns and rainbows.”

Afton — "Stuff that is growing.”

Wesley — "My brothers.”

Finnegan — "Finding worms.”

Kaylee — "Sledding.”

Apollo — "Skiing.”

Avi — "Kitties.”

Whitney — "Lobsters, raptors and dinosaurs.”

Ms. Lynn — “Walking in the woods.”

Ms. Miriam — “The first snow on the mountains.”

Ms. Suzi — “My family.”

Thimbleberry Kindergarten:

Charlotte — "My family and the food that I have to eat and the woods.”

Elleigh — "For all of my friends.”

Artemis — "For my family.”

Remy — "For my jewelry.”

Izabel — "For my friends.”

Luca — "For my parents.”

Elisa — "For my heart.”

Tristan — "For my momma, daddy and Oliver.”

Wesley — "For the whole, wide world.”

Kate — "For my family and Miss Elissa and Charlotte and all of my friends.”

Jackson — "For my friends.”

Whit — "For my house.”

Second grade

Ms. St. Pierre — “I am thankful for my class and clean water and warm hugs.”

Daphne — “I am thankful for shelter, my friends, good food and clean water.”

John — “I am thankful for my family and friends.”

Scout — “I am thankful for my friends, my family and her teacher.”

Aslan — “I am thankful for John.”

Brock — “I am thankful for my family, friends, the bake sale, pumpkin pie, North, Aunt Dee Dee and Aunt BeBe.”

Lincoln — “I am thankful for the snow, the trees, the grass, nature, the bears, the foxes and panda bears.”

North — “I am thankful for the water.”

Nikkos — “I am thankful for my cat, Ms. St. Pierre and everything.”

Annabelle — “I am thankful for my cat, my grandmas, the Switch Witch, clay, mini tea parties with mice, my teacher, my friends, my grandpas, and that my cat knows how to climb the Christmas tree.”

Mila — “I am thankful for my ponies, my grandma, my mom and dad, my 19 chickens and my dog.”

Emerson — “I am thankful for basketball, my family, burgers and knitting.”

Scarlet — “I am thankful for my new house in Sandpoint.”

Third grade

Lily — "I am thankful to God for creating me. I am grateful for my mom because she cooks me dinner, packs my lunch every day, and loves me. The other people that I am thankful for are my Gaga, my big sister, and Rob.”

Erin — "I am grateful for my dog. I am grateful for my mom and da. I am grateful for my friends. I am grateful for the earth.”

Addison — "I am thankful for God and all the things he has given us. I’m grateful for love and kindness. I am thankful for my friends and family. I am grateful for animals and home. I am thankful the world around me.”

Kachemak — "I am thankful for my things.”

Ariya — "I am grateful for my grandparents and my classmates and teachers.”

Xina Pearl — "I am thankful for my two cats and that I have a big house and my family and that I go to move into a big house and I get my own room.”

Nixon — "I am grateful for love, books, family.”

Miley — "I am grateful for family, friends, school.”

Antonio — "I am thankful for my family and my legos.”

Jonathan — "I am thankful for the Earth.”

Rowan — "I am thankful for my family and my friend Jofed.”

Autumn — "I am thankful for my family and animals and friends and uncles and aunts and grandparents.”

Kyra — "I am thankful that I am one of one of the people that have enough food and am thankful for my family.”

Avery — "I am thankful for my family and my pets.”

Georgia — "I am thankful for wildlife, my family, forests, where we live, and love. ‘

Fourth grade

Daniel — "I am thankful for my mom, my brother, school and my friends.”

Marin — "I am thankful for my family and my sister, my cat, candy, my bed and food.”

Grey — "I am thankful for air.’

Kai — "I am grateful for my family and friends and my nana and grandpa. I am grateful for my nana and grandpa for letting us have Christmas at their place every year. I am grateful for school and teachers and for all the love and help they give us. I am grateful for my mother and father for the love and help and comfort they give me. I am grateful for Mother Earth, for the shelter and animals and plants that nourish us. I am grateful for fall, for the colorful leaves and the plain trees. I am grateful for winter up at Schweitzer and the great skiing. I am grateful for spring all around and the little flower buds popping up and the bees buzzing all around. I am grateful for summer, the nice warm summer. I love the flowers and playing with my brother, family and friends.”

Julian — "I am grateful to be with my family on Thanksgiving. I am grateful for my new puppy. I am grateful for my house. I am grateful for kitten snuggles from Rose and Penelope. I am grateful for snowboarding on Schweitzer. I am grateful for trees and bushes.”

Kaylie — "I’m thankful for my mother and my sister, I am also very thankful for the food and drink I’m given. I’m thankful for friends and family and I’m thankful for God. Amen.”

Blakely — "I am thankful for Schweitzer. I like it because you can bike and ski there. I am thankful that basketball was invented because I like to play it. I am thankful for trees because when they get old they look cool. I am thankful for food and water because they make you grow. I am thankful for football because it is fun to play. I am thankful for the earth because if there was no earth there would be no people.”

Rhys — "I am thankful that my family has enough food to eat.”

Elsa — ""I am grateful for going on the North Pole Cruise with my family."

Winslow — "My bunnies, Thanksgiving and all the good food, for my family and that Lisa (our German teacher exchange student) gets to stay with us.”

Fifth grade

Fate — " I am grateful for Thanksgiving because it is sooooo nice. It is the time for thankfulness and eating. Usually we would have corn bread, chicken pot pie, and stuffing. Mom would light the candles and we would all say what we are grateful for.”

Cora — "I am grateful for my family and friends. I am also grateful for my house, food, and clothes.”

Zuma — "I am grateful for my family, my friends, dogs, dirt bikes and snowboarding.”

Marlon — "I am grateful for ... my family, sun, water, food, friends, skis, snow, houses, music, and Lazerbeam, my favorite YouTuber.”

Emi — "I am grateful for my family, friends, and my dog (who saves people when they are lost). I am also grateful to the earth for keeping us safe and well.”

Tristan — "I am grateful for turkey. Turkey is a food that most people like.”

Ellie — "I am grateful for the holidays because ... you get to celebrate yourself, and others on some holidays and you get candy and presents!”

Sione — "I am thankful for my family.”

Beckett — "I am grateful for apple pie because it is very warm and is very delicious. I am also grateful for … my family!”

Madilyn — "I am grateful for my family, my school, and my friends. Have a nice Thanksgiving!”

Emery — "I am grateful for my pets because they are so sweet, funny, and cute. Whenever I am around them I am happy and I have fun.”

Baden — "I am grateful for having food for Thanksgiving and the food we get. I am also grateful for my family.”

Lila — "I am grateful that my cousins and my aunt and uncle are coming for Thanksgiving. I am so excited to see them.”

Madelina — "I am grateful for my food, my animals, my family, and my friends. I love fall because the air is so fresh and clean and I love all the rain. I think that the trees are all so beautiful in the fall with the yellow, red, and orange leaves that fall all over the ground.”

Athena — "I am grateful for Thanksgiving and all the fun things we get to do. I am grateful for all of the holidays. I am grateful for friends and family.”

Jude — "I am grateful for the weekend.”

Seventh grade

Isabella — "I’m grateful for my family, my friends, and my many opportunities! Happy Thanksgiving!”

Avery — "I am thankful for so many things. This year has been full of crazy. I am so grateful for all of the hard work my dad has put into our new property, for all of my friends and family and most of all the feeling of joy and love. Although the past year has been tough, I am so happy to be where I am right now.”

Baylee — "I am thankful for the beauty that I am here today and the people around me. I am thankful for nature and its beautiful creatures. I am thankful for my friends and family. But most importantly, the one who made it possible, the father son and holy spirit that I hold nearest.”

Claire — "I am thankful for my dog Henry and my family and I am thankful for the girl in 8th grade giving me violin lessons. But most of all I am thankful that I exist in the universe.”

Polina — "I am thankful for my family, being able to live near nature and be able to ride and be around horses.”

Leo — "I am thankful for all of the books I have, my house, the dinners I have, my school, my family, my neighbors dog Gunnar, where I live and for my brother Tristan.”

Phin — "I am grateful that my parents have jobs, that I am able to go to school and learn, that we have enough to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over our heads. I am thankful for my healthy body and mostly my family.”

Josie — "I'm grateful for my horse Banjo and my family. I'm also grateful for our new foreign student teacher Lisa, and our dogs and cat Blu, Greta and Lexi.”

Eighth grade

Charlie — "I’m grateful for friends, not just the human ones, the loyal animals and the people and animals who stand by you through thick and thin."

Taylor: I am thankful for my loving family, that I get to spend my time with them every day, that we get to sit down and eat together and be grateful for the food that we can eat, that we have a table to sit at, that we have a roof over our heads. I am thankful for everything I have.

Avery — "I know saying that I am grateful for my family is unoriginal, but I’m grateful for it anyways. Anyone should be grateful for family. I don’t now what I would do without it. I can’t forget, Mr. Seifert, my teacher. I’m so grateful that he puts up with anyone in the class, including me. He also spends money on school supplies for us. I’m grateful for all the friends that I have and how they have stuck with me. Since I started going to Waldorf, I’ve met so many new friends."

Hazel — "I’m grateful for Porsches, MG convertibles, red Ferraris, and pickles. I am also grateful for my sister, Mesa, my best friend, Taylor, and my dog, Smudge."

Madisen — "I’m thankful for the laughs I’ve shared, for the opportunities I’ve experienced, and the little things in life like toilet paper, the smell of fresh cookies, and the memories of family and friends. I’m thankful from my three pet fish, my two guinea pigs, and two dogs."

Clarity — "I am grateful for food. I am grateful for my able body. I am grateful for my family that works so hard to provide for me. I am grateful fluffy cute things. I am grateful for my friends and animals."

Hana — "I am grateful for such reliable friends. I’m grateful for those crisp winter mornings and the peacefulness of the warm summer evenings. I’m also grateful for the internet and modern technology."



A group of Sandpoint Waldorf School students have fun playing in the leaves.



Sandpoint Waldorf students work to find the perfect pumpkin during a recent visit to a pumpkin patch.



The watercolor paintings from Sandpoint Waldorf School second graders.