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Weekly business meeting short & sweet

Staff Writer | November 25, 2021 1:00 AM

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SANDPOINT — Tuesday’s county commissioners meeting was shorter than most, due to the executive session beginning 45 minutes into the meeting.

However, the commission still got plenty of work done with $724,795.19 in local and state grant funds allocated for vehicle purchases, construction signs, mapping tools, and budget adjustments.

Commissioners began by approving the consent agenda, including awarding 21 liquor licences, and approving three invoices totaling $22,492.79 for the Sheriff’s Office and Road & Bridge Department.

Emergency services asked the commissioners to approve spending $123,002.40 on three 2022 Chevy Expeditions to be used for their flag fleet.The commissioners approved the request. The department will trade in three vehicles as a part of the transaction. This is a scheduled vehicle replacement that happens every 10 years.

The Road & Bridge Department asked the commissioners to allow them to receive $30,000 in grant funding to be used on construction signs. Grant funds will be coming from the Local Rural Highway Investment Program. Commissioners approved the request.

The Solid Waste Department brought a resolution before the commission asking that $548,000 be added to the Solid Waste budget. Funds are coming from the Solid Waste bond passed in May. The request was approved.

GIS brought an action item before commissioners asking them to approve a $1,300 annual increase for their contract with Eagleview for new tools that aid with mapping and imagery.

Afterwards, Commission Chairman Dan McDonald recessed the meeting before reconvening five minutes later for executive session. During the executive session, the Prosecutor's Office brought two items before the commission regarding litigation and exempting records.

The Human Resources Department also bought two items before the commission during executive session, both involving hiring and personnel.

County commissioner meetings are open to the public and take place every Tuesday at 9 a.m. in the administrative building at 1500 Highway 2. Those interested in remotely attending can do so over zoom, or stream the meetings live on their YouTube channel, where an archive of previous meetings can also be watched.