Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vaccines are, and should, remain a personal choice

| September 2, 2021 1:00 AM

I was amazed to read the guest opinion of former Supreme Court Justice Jim Jones. An Idaho Supreme Court justice that does not seem to know the difference between a recommendation (by the CDC for example) and a law. Laws are enacted by the Legislature, are enforceable and carry a penalty. Mask wearing and getting a COVID-19 injection are not. 

Our personal medical choices are none of Jim Jones' business. The masks people wear (the blue ones with the gaping openings on the side or a bandana worn on the lower half of the face) are not rated to stop the transmission of a virus particulate. There is even a warning on the box of the masks that are worn so often, even by nurses and doctors. How can we stop the transmission of COVID when the government continues to allow COVID positive illegal aliens to flood across our borders?

It is the height of hypocrisy to think vaccination is the solution when there are terrible side effects, people who are currently fully vaccinated are being re-infected, and people are dying from the vaccination.

It is and must remain a personal choice. The vaccination is a medical procedure, Mr. Jones, and your opinion is simply that. No more valid that someone's decision not to get vaccinated.  

I think a better solution would be for those at risk with co-morbidities such as obesity, being overweight and adult onset diabetes caused by obesity, to lose weight, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle that will allow you to survive the flu. You have that option, that choice. It is up to you.



Editor's note: According to the Centers for Disease Control, reports of widespread serious complications and deaths among people who received the COVID vaccine have been reviewed by CDC and FDA physicians. So far they have not been able to establish any link to the COVID shots.