Saturday, June 01, 2024

Containment of TCC fires increases to 50%

| September 5, 2021 1:00 AM

Acreage continues to hold and containment has increased on the Trestle Creek Complex thanks to firefighters on the ground working in conjunction with aviation.

Water bucket drops from two helicopters have been assisting with keeping hot spots in check, while also advancing containment, Kary Maddox of the U.S. Forest Service said Saturday.

“Resources assigned to the fire continue to work collaboratively with Sandpoint Ranger District for initial attack in their vicinity,” she said. “A prime example of this is the Lost Dog Fire, discovered on Sept. 2 and contained at 2.5 acres by the next day.”

The fire has burned 6,641 acres and is now at 50% containment.

Maddox said fire managers have been planning for Sunday’s weather event for days, reinforcing fireline and creating contingency plans to move resources if needed.

“The biggest weather impact Sunday will be strong southwest winds gusting to 25-30 mph in the afternoon as a dry front passes through the region

Residents can expect dry weather and hazy skies as smoke from wildfires in Oregon and Washington continues to move in. The hottest days this week will occur Monday and Tuesday under strong high pressure and plenty of sunshine with high temperatures well into the 80s, Maddox said.

Open areas currently include IPNF lands north of Lunch Peak, east of Lightning Creek Road (419), and south of Wellington Road (489). Trail 444 is open to access from Wellington Road. If you enter these areas, please drive slowly with lights on and be prepared to yield to oncoming fire vehicles, especially at corners!

Closed areas: Road 1091, near Lunch Peak, is still closed. Lightning Creek Road remains closed north of the Wellington Road junction. Trout Creek Road, Trestle Creek Road and the adjoining area closures remain unchanged for now. IPNF lands east of Highway 200, and south of Flume Creek and Spring Creek also remain closed.
