Saturday, June 01, 2024

Mask up, get COVID-19 vaccine and protect our kids

| September 5, 2021 1:00 AM

Thanks to my dear friend Jim Payne for your good wishes. (Daily Bee, Aug. 10); and thanks for joining me in criticizing the Idaho House of Representatives for trying to ban hospital and business requirements for COVID-19 vaccinations. Banning these actions is an abandonment of the House's mission: “Adopt a system of laws that promote the health, education and well-being of Idaho’s citizens.” They are not doing the job they promised to do.   

Political theories like Jim' are inviting distractions (happy to debate that separately, Jim) . Now, we must decide to act quickly.

I'm scared. Couldn't hug  my granddaughter yesterday. Haven't seen her in a year. At almost 3, her big eyes gaze at my mask with suspicion. American children her age now contract COVID and die at rates far beyond last year's, and can't be vaccinated. 
I am protecting you and your children as well as me and mine. Please?

