Saturday, June 01, 2024

Use local option tax for more than parks program

| September 5, 2021 1:00 AM

I like the local option sales tax. It’s a wonderful tool for small tourist towns (under 10,000) to address inadequate funding for services. However, I strongly object to the city running the LOT for the benefit of the parks program again. Parks got the first go-around with the Memorial Field LOT.

We, as a city, have other expensive needs that the LOT could help with. There are no restrictions in Idaho Code on what you can use the funds for. My preference would be to write the ballot language so that the stormwater feature on Sand Creek could be installed. Additionally I would direct funds to our backlog of street repairs and the installation of sidewalks throughout the city. If they run it for 5 years you are looking at plus or minus $5 million — that would go a long way on repairing streets and installing sidewalks.

