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Firefighters increase containment on area fires

Staff Writer | September 8, 2021 1:00 AM

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PRIEST RIVER – A 42-acre fire burning 11 miles north-east of Priest River is 75% contained as of Tuesday evening.

The cause of the Prater Red 2 Fire, which is only burning on Idaho endowment lands, is still under investigation. However, there are no structures threatened or evacuations in place. A team of 65 personnel are making progress with containment efforts, Idaho Department of Lands officials said

Mop-up operations, fireline rehabilitation and backhauling supplies continue.

Overnight temperatures dropped into the mid-40s however, humidity recoveries were poor and dry windy conditions persist over the region, they said. Fire behavior overnight was minimal with creeping and smoldering within firelines.

Fire managers employed an IDL unmanned aerial system to map heat signatures with infrared cameras. With the flight data, firefighters can focus efforts to the most concerning areas of the fire with “seek and destroy” tactics on hot spots – which reduces the time it takes to control and contain the fire.

The public is encouraged to call the IDL Fire Investigation Hotline at 208-666-8659 or the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office at 208-265-5525 with any information they may have about wildland fire starts in Bonner County

With hunting season in full swing, fire managers would like to remind the recreating public that fire conditions remain very dry and windy. Extreme caution is advised with any use of open flames outdoors. Do not leave campfires unattended and completely extinguish with water before leaving camp for any reason.

The Trestle Creek Complex, located 4 miles north of Hope, is 60% contained. Burning 6,641 acres, a Type 3 Incident Management Team is utilizing a team of 223 personnel to continue making progress on the fire, fire officials said. Water bucket drops from two helicopters have been assisting with keeping hot spots in check, according to an update on inciweb, a database used for tracking wildland fires. Resources assigned to the fire continue to work collaboratively with Sandpoint Ranger District for initial attack in their vicinity.

The Burnt Peak and South Yaak fires, burning around Troy, Mont., have burned a combined 16,549 acres. The South Yaak fire is 89% contained, and the Burnt Peak fire is 41% contained. Northern Rockies Team 7 is sharing resources, including personnel, between both fires. The South Yaak Fire still contains isolated pockets of heat scattered in multiple locations across the fire area; fire activity is low with only creeping and smoldering according to information on inciweb by Northern Rockies Team 7.

Larger wildland fire information can be found on .