Saturday, June 01, 2024

Welker is the best choice for Sandpoint council post

| September 23, 2021 1:00 AM

Jason Welker is running in a crowded field of candidates for Sandpoint City Council. I met Jason recently and learned that he is the Chairman of Sandpoint’s Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Welker is the only candidate in the race who I feel has the experience, knowledge and commitment to actually increase the availability of affordable and achievable housing in Sandpoint.

Chairman Welker has a degree in economics and has been using those skills to analyze the complex problem of the current housing crisis. He has solid, well researched ideas for working towards a solution. We have heard from City Council candidates who told us that they would be working on this issue for the past decade and look where we are. I believe Jason will actually do something about this issue.

Chairman Welker is a 17-year homeowner in Bonner County and has seen the changes first hand. He is committed to responsible growth and development that respects local values. Development is a necessary part of increasing housing supply, but Jason believes that it must be done by balancing the developer’s desire for profit and the community’s need for achievable housing.

You can find out more about Chairman Welker at and on facebook at Please join me and vote for Jason Welker for Sandpoint City Council on November 2.

