Saturday, June 01, 2024

‘BADicals’ come in a variety of flavors

| April 3, 2022 1:00 AM

I read the letter from my neighbor Bill Berg (Daily Bee, Feb. 27, 2022, “Your choice at the polls may cost you money.”)

Bill is a good neighbor and a fine man, and I agree with his conclusion that electing radicals may cost us money. Though his example regarding North Idaho College and the firing of Rick MacLennan with the very high cost to Idahoans for his firing is probably correct (after all, our court system awarded the judgment of $500,000), what struck me was his implication that right wing radicals should be targeted was, in my view, incomplete. “BADicals” come in many flavors, both right and left wing. Think prosecutors who refuse to try organized shop-lifting gangs or self-anointed elites who believe they have the duty to usurp the primary responsibility and right of parents to raise and properly educate their children and to guide school districts accordingly.

